“One of the most significant improvements I can attribute to this process is the sense of understanding and ownership that my team and I now have in our respective positions. This has given us the ability to manager our department and progress in a much more consistent and accountable manner moving forward. We have already started to recognize the improvements that this has made.” Gaming Department Head
“In the gaming industry the critical issue is aligning employees and manager’s behavior and practices (especially those with the opportunity to impact the customer experience) with the overall business strategy and you helped us do that particularly around creating consistency amongst middle management given that they occupy the critical space responsible for ensuring that customers see consistent practices on the gaming floor.” General Manager
“The Engine Room coaches in such a way that empowers managers to not only take ownership of their roles, but to think forwards instead of backwards. He changed our mindsets from “whose fault is it?” to “who is accountable and how do we resolve it?” This alone has created immense efficiencies amongst our team.” Marketing Manager
“Your coaching has made a big difference and I am pleased with what you have accomplished in a short period of time. So much so that your concentrated effort with staff has endeared them to you so much that they do not want to see you go. I feel the same way and as such am looking forward to retaining your coaching services so as to allow you to continue to work with me, and our management team.” President